Construction at Leaside Lock during Covid-19 lockdown.

Across the country, and all over the world, we are being told to #StayHomeStaySafe during the covid-19 pandemic.

Construction at Imperial-by-Lea during Covid-19 lockdown. 2nd April 2020.

Across the country, and all over the world, we are being told to #StayHomeStaySafe during the covid-19 pandemic.

Yet these rules are being blatantly flouted by the property developers building luxury flats, for overseas investors.

Something great is on the way

Whilst the construction sites remain open, the workers are travelling to and from work, are potentially spreading the covid-19 virus to others also travelling to work. People being infected may be doctors, or nurses, or other key workers.

Building luxury flats for investors is not an essential service.

It’s clear that for the directors of Guinness Homes and Henry Construction, that the building of Imperial-by-Lea must continue whatever the consequences. It’s their cranes pictured in the timelapse video- they don’t care whether they infect our communities, and whether people die, just so long as they are ok and they meet the demands for investment properties from overseas buyers.

Something great, apparently.

I’m sure they will bleat that they are building social housing, but don’t be fooled. The majority of these flats being built will be sold as investments, with a sprinkling of “affordable” homes, and part-ownership flats, which will be considered to be “affordable” homes, but they are not affordable to us. We need social housing, not luxury flats for overseas investors.

Social distancing at Imperial-by-Lea

And where are the directors? You can be pretty sure they are at home, self-isolating, whilst they put the lives of their workers and everybody they come into contact with at risk.

It’s time to stop listening to incompetent politicians, and to take direct action.

Shut the sites, save lives.

Balfron Social Club (in lockdown)

2nd April 2020


Tower Hamlets needs social housing, not luxury flats

Tower Hamlets need social housing,
not a mayor that is in the pockets of
luxury property developers.

Tower Hamlets needs social housing,

not a Mayor that is in the pockets of

luxury property developers

No more luxury flats

Requisition the empty towers NOW.

Weeks have now gone by, the Covid19 virus is spreading fast and it is now killing our friends and neighbours, and we cannot yet see any end in sight.

The entire country, in fact most of the entire world, has been told to stay home and stay safe.

Yet the construction sites, building luxury flats for overseas investors, remain open. Their workers travelling to and from work, spreading disease.

Where are our politicians? They’re in the pockets of the luxury property developers.

When this is over, the directors of property developers like Guinness Homes, Mount Anvil and Vastint UK, need to be prosecuted for ignoring the lockdown imposed upon the rest of us. They are fully aware of what they are doing, and they need to be held to account for murder.

If they can carry on as usual, why can’t we?

Luxury investment properties are not essential works, and it’s time they were seized and used as social housing.

Balfron Tower is now near complete-146 flats stolen from the people of Tower Hamlets are just sitting empty, awaiting investors.

If our politicians weren’t in the developers pockets, they would do what any decent Labour politician should do- condemn the developers and requisition the towers.


Balfron Social Club

Poplar, 1st April 2020