Shock, hypocrisy, as London housing activism group @Homes4AllUK provide platform for social cleansing.

London housing activism group @Homes4AllUK, run by Glyn Robbins from the London School of Economics, are providing a platform for Labour politicians deeply involved in corruption and social cleansing.

Hopefully nobody is going to notice how many Labour politicians in Tower Hamlets have been jailed for housing fraud, or that local Councillors like Bex White are sponsored into office by “a family friend”, the CEO of Poplar Harca, or that 1000’s of socially rented homes have been dismantled into the hands of luxury developers, or that Apsana Begum MP herself was given social housing in just 5 months…

Are we just going to ignore all the housing fraud and corruption carried out by the current crop of Labour politicians and their crooked connections to luxury developers ripping apart the social housing in Tower Hamlets?

Including Apsana Begum herself?

Do #BlackLivesMatter & @GrenfellUnited not take exception to @ApsanaBegumMP co-opting your worthy causes who, via her party, has helped systematically dismantle social housing into the hands of property developers & then personally jumped the housing queue because she “needed housing“? All the while participating in creating ghettoes, such as that at Chrisp Street Market, so they can then justify social cleansing, or as they keep referring to it-regeneration.


Apsana Begum recently appeared on a q&a panel for Paul Sng’s feature length documentary Dispossession: the Great Social Housing Swindle, an online event held exclusively for Labour Party members.

Here’s the excerpt from Balfron Tower, co-produced by myself.

How can housing activists seriously justify giving her or her local party a platform?

Homes 4 All website states that they’re supported by @unitetheunion, @DCHcampaign, @radicalhousing & @LambthHousngAct.

Could anybody from above groups please explain why you are providing a platform for @ApsanaBegumMP, following years of social cleansing & corruption in Tower Hamlets?

Would you be so pleased to see Peter John, Neil Coyle & co. being given a platform to spin themselves out of the devastation they have caused to your communities?

@Homes4AllUK we need answers. Stop giving platforms to crooks.

I’m not going to provide an exhaustive list of links about fraud, corruption and social and ethnic cleansing in Tower Hamlets, as you don’t seem to care (Labour cult?) about the damage these people have done to our communities, our families and our lives, though you can find many more instances in this website or the recently relaunched which provides “investigative journalism for London’s East End”.

I would however be fairly certain that groups like Homes 4 All are connected to UK Higher Eduction establishments, establishments that have routinely treated working-class communities as mere case studies, as they divert attention away from the devastating impact these institutions are causing to London’s working-class communities- invading, colonising and then demolishing them in cynical attempts to gentrify and socially cleanse the community, as happened recently on the Teviot Estate by University of the Arts’ London College of Fashion, where a deeply suspect poll claimed 86% of the tenants of the estate voted to demolish their own homes, on an estate where flats rent for up to £600 per week.

However, here is one, as you specifically referenced this one:

One rule for them, and another for us.

Six years ago, I was thrown out of Tower Hamlets housing office into the street by police, for refusing to leave as I had nowhere else to go, following eviction by Bow Arts who were assisting Tower Hamlets crooked cabal of social cleansers aggressively cheat the working-class community from their homes in Balfron Tower, so they could be sold off to the wealthy and the vulgar, with zero social housing at all.

I was refused any support at all and was refused entry on to the waiting list for social housing, & I’ve been insecurely housed / homeless ever since, and I am still not included on any housing register.

Meanwhile, Apsana Begum was given social housing in just 5 months.

As some people have questioned, there may have been extenuating circumstances surrounding Ms Begums very brief appearance on the waiting list, such as fleeing domestic violence.

However, as Ms Begums partner was and remains an elected councillor in Tower Hamlets, then surely this information should be made available as being in the public interest?

However, her response was that she “needed housing”.

Obviously a damn good excuse, one I wish I had thought off because I have thoroughly appreciated 6+ years of sleeping on floors and sofas, down to the kindness of some good people to whom I am very grateful, and a socially rented flat worth £330,000, as was rented at a social rent to Ms Begum, would have been of no use to me at all.

Meanwhile social housing continues to be dismantled in this east London Labour stronghold, and with organised, and presumably funded, housing activism groups like @Homes4AllUK clearly turning a blind eye to corruption, fraud and brutal attacks on working class social housing communities amongst their Labour cronies, and instead providing them with a platform.

Surprisingly, @Homes4AllUK don’t seem to feel much need to answer questions about their hypocrisy in providing a platform for this politician, and by extension her party, who are routinely involved in fraud and corruption of Tower Hamlets precious social housing.

Utterly shameful stuff @Homes4AllUK. You should be thoroughly embarrassed to be complicit in the PR cover-up for the social and ethnic cleansing of multi-billion pounds worth of socially rented homes, transferred by Labour politicians into the hands of property developers, especially as this was something that they once campaigned against, as questioned by Balfron Social Club in 2018.

Thank you for your solidarity. You are failing the people of London to defend crooked politicians involved in social and ethnic cleansing.

Balfron Social Club


1st July 2020