Balfron Social Club recently wrote about the Guinness Homes construction site Leaside Lock in Bromley-by-Bow in Tower Hamlets which has remained open during the #Covid19 lockdown, which is still open on 14th April, weeks after everybody else has been forced to close down their businesses and stop going to work.
Weeks have now passed and many construction sites such as Leaside Lock by Guinness Homes at Bromley by Bow in Tower Hamlets remain open.
Construction workers need to travel to and from work, and whilst NHS staff and bus drivers are dying in droves, the directors and board of Guinness Homes seem to think that their profits are more important than the lives of key workers- workers risking their lives on the front line of a global pandemic, to try and keep us safe.
Construction companies may have issued guidelines for workers to keep 2 metres apart, but it is very clear that this is not possible for many of their insecure, poorly-paid construction workers, and it is evident in photographs that this is routinely not happening.
As I write, over 11,000 people in the UK have been officially confirmed dead due to covid19, and this figure excludes many thousands of people who have died at home or in care homes.
An incompetent government, spineless politicians and company directors who don’t care who dies have rapidly made the UK one of the worst affected countries in Europe from the Covid19 pandemic.

Whilst our friends, family and neighbours including NHS staff and bus drivers are dying in droves, there is no doubt that the Directors and Board of Guinness Homes will be firmly locked down and isolating in their homes, or second homes, because it has become very clear that there is one rule for us, and another for them.
Whilst they Zoom, we die.
I do not believe that the privilege of these people should allow them to go unpunished for what is tantamount to the murder of critically important key workers, people risking their own lives to save the lives of our friends and neighbours in the fight against the Covid19 pandemic.

I have therefore compiled a list of the directors and board of Guinness Homes and am publishing it below, along with their details.
These people made purposeful choices that their profits are more important than the lives of key workers.
Enough is enough, it’s time to shut the sites.

Each of the following people has the blood of NHS staff, bus drivers & key workers on their hands for keeping their construction sites open during #covid19 lockdown.
We will not forget their selfishness which has led to the deaths of key workers.
The following are Directors of @GuinnessHomes.

We will not forget selfish company directors that consider their developments more important than the lives of our friends & neighbours.
The following Directors of @GuinnessHomes feel they are more important than the lives of NHS staff & bus drivers (repeated here in text so that their names are picked up by search engines and their actions are never forgotten).
Angela Maria Drum.
Philip Michael Day.
Ian Joynson.
Jonathon Milburn.
Catriona Ruth Simons.
Peter Hedderly.
Trafford Wilson.
Paul Watson MBE.
The following are board members of @GuinnessHomes.

Neil Braithwaite.
Mike Petter.
Amanda Calvert.
Phil Morgan.
Samantha Pitt.
Chris Wilson.
Chris Stevens.
Linda Sanders.
The following Twitter poll is live. Please click to vote.
It’s one rule for us, and another for them. If they were building homes that our local community could afford, we might have more sympathy for them.
But, they’re not. Whatever they tell you “affordable” housing is not affordable for our community. It’s a scam designed to fool you.
Does the image below look representative of the community of Bromley by Bow? Does it look representative of Tower Hamlets?
Do the Directors of Guinness Homes look like your neighbours? Or of our community?

Once again, the capitalists have clearly shown us that their profits are far more important than the lives of our friends and neighbours.
The directors of construction companies like Guinness Homes need to be held to account for the deaths of our friends and neighbours, for the deaths of people across London as people die in huge numbers, and they did nothing to help flatten the curve.
They need to be held to account for showing us how much contempt they hold for us.

But where are our politicians, you may ask?
We know exactly where they are.
They are in the pockets of the developers.

Mayor Sadiq Khan was sponsored into office by property developers and proudly splashes his brand all over construction site hoardings, like this one at Chobham Manor, in Newham.
Mayor John Biggs, in Tower Hamlets, who used to be a lobbyist for property developers, does nothing unless he is filming it for his PR.
Tower Hamlets has financial reserves of over £500,000,000.
Shut the sites. Protect our communities.
I reiterate my call that all of these sites should be requistioned and converted into 100% social housing. We have had enough of politicians and developers lying to us, telling us they are building “affordable” housing when the reality is anything but.
We will not forget.
Balfron Social Club (in lockdown)
14th April 2020